About Magic City Moments...

In 2000, I was diagnosed with end-stage, alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver and given two months to live. I hung on most of that year, in and out of UAB Hospital, my condition continuing to deteriorate. In late October of that year, I woke up in the hospital hearing the doctor tell my sister that I would not make it through the night. I insisted that I go home; “I have to talk to God, and you people keep interrupting me.”

I did go home and talk to God, and the next morning experienced an astounding miracle. I started getting better, and today I’m doing very well. My liver is still 100% cirrhotic – there is no good liver left, but my liver function is at normal.

In 2002, while still recuperating, I started MagicCityMoments.com as a Thank You to the City of Birmingham. There had been so many incredible people along the way who had helped me. From the friends who tried to get me to stop drinking, to the doctors and nurses who kept working on someone they fully believed would be dead shortly, and most of all, to the most determined and loving person in my life, my sister Jari, who would not stop fighting for me. I wanted to say Thank You to all of them by promoting the City that felt like Magic to me.

In the beginning I would go to events and take photos of people enjoying themselves and having a great time; and post their MagicCityMoments. Then people began to ask who designed my website. This was my profession since 1996, and I enjoyed it. I started developing others’ websites – from organizations like City Action Partnership (CAP) to The Downtown Business Association, and authors, attorneys, sole proprietorships to small businesses, and professionals.

By 2012 the City was taking on a life of its own, and everyone was promoting Birmingham. I turned to Web Design full time, and also started working with clients to develop their social media presence online.

Today, Magic City Moments, Inc. specializes in developing our clients’ online presence using Website Design and Development, and Social Media Management. I’m happy to be here to serve my clients, and I am grateful for the privilege. Please see my clients’ recommendations, and give me a call if I can help you. 205.995.2404, or email Jimsey@MagicCityMoments.com.